I started noticing my hairline thinning around age 27 with recession at the temples. It progressed pretty rapidly, though it’s slowed now. Definitely shook up my world because I thought it was way too early. I got consults at 3-4 reputable offices but Northwestern Hair was the best for a couple reasons:
1. No BS. All the info is on the websites, the doctors were very straight forward, understanding, and patient.
2. Before and after-care is just as important as the procedure. I definitely got the vibe at other locations they were trying to get as many people in and out as possible. And the most important (although #2 is a very close second):
3. All in one. I had considered getting scalp micro-pigmentation as a supplement and it’s extremely convenient to have it done in the same location. I will already know the team. They also offer compounded medicine straight through the office with the actual clinically proven stuff. I was previously getting my fin through Hims but it was more expensive and not compounded.
I still have a decent hairline for now but when my time comes for a transplant I know where I am going to go. Until then, thanks to point #3, I can try and maintain or slow shedding/recession with the preventative therapies through NW hair.